Half Day News 4.30

Dear Parents,

It’s hard to believe April is over!  May is going to fly by! But, we will enjoy every minute of it.

This week we spent time getting back together after Spring Break.  We went outside and noticed how things had changed since we were here last.  We especially took notice of the beautiful blossom tree by the corner of the church.  There were tiny buds before Good Friday.

I do hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! And a Blessed Easter Celebration!

We are working on identifying color words and matching the beginning sounds.  Writing our names takes lots of our time, but we are trying to remember to write our names on all of our papers when we do them.  Some of us worked on writing our names in shaving cream!    We continue with Math skills in adding and taking away.  We still love to demonstrate the odd and even numbers on the calendar!

Nature always provides a fun learning experience!  This week we will make our own binoculars and see what we can see as we walk outside.  We will be working on other secret things as well – you will just have to wait to see what this is all about 🙂

We enjoyed a fun time with our 5th grade buddies at the park this week!  We will try to incorporate a park outing during our week when weather allows.

Enjoy just a few photos !   Welcome May!

It’s a GREAT Day to be a Cardinal!  (Especially in Half Day prek!)

