This week…In recognition of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, we started the week reading The Cat in the Hat, reading a “Fairy Tale”, and talking about imagination and imaginary. We explored using our “imagination” this week. Students selected to join me on a space ship to go out of space or to get in a row boat that was turned over by a type of whale that we had never seen before. We swam to shore as quick as we can. Next week, we will extend this lesson as we make our own “imaginary” animals. We had so much fun as we climbed into an “imaginary” vehicle and took a ride around a town.
We continued talking about how God loves us, and practicing prayer daily.
Looking forward to next week..I look forward to seeing you all at parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, the 9th. If you have not signed up, or would like to meet at a later time, please do not hesitate to contact me. Reminder, there will be no school on Friday, the 10th.
God Bless,
Mrs. Davis