3/4 Full Day Preschool News

Happy Fall Everyone!  Even with it being a short week, we were able to get so much accomplished!  We learned about the letter “T” and the sound it makes.  Our word list took up two pages!  This week our letter poem was about Thomas the Turtle.  Make sure to ask your child to recite it to you!

Thomas the turtle trotted to the table spot.

Thomas found a teapot that was very hot.

Thomas drank it all before it could rot.

This week was all about apples!  We learned about how apples grow and conducted a special experiment about which apple was our favorite!  Through our sense of taste and smell we created a class graph about which color was our favorite.  Take a peek at the picture below to see which apple was liked the best!

Did you know there is a little red house with no windows and no doors with a star inside?  It’s true!  Ask your child to tell you more about it!

In religion this week we talked about all the amazing gifts that God has given us.  He has given us healthy food to eat, beautiful trees that give us shade when we are hot, and amazing creatures that we can see all around us!

This week’s classroom winner was Quinn!  Ask your child daily if they were caught being respectful, responsible or compassionate!

A few reminders:

  • We will continue to attend mass each Tuesday at 9am.  Please have your student at school by 7:50 to allow us enough time to meet up with our buddies and be seated on time.
  • Please send your child in gym shoes everyday.  We have recess daily and gym on Tuesday and Friday.
  • Keep those family pictures coming!  Our board is looking amazing!
  • Picture Day is coming!  Thursday, October 6th during the school day we will be called down for fall photos.  A note was sent home.  If you choose to order, everything is done online this year.  Visit http://www.ordervgil.com and our school code is 20083301.
  • If you haven’t already, please turn in your Parent-Student Handbook Agreement Form.  It is one per family, not each student.  If you need me to send home a copy please let me know.  To view the handbook online click Here

As you can see below we had so much fun with apples this past week!  We will begin our leaf unit beginning Monday.  I can’t wait to go on many nature walks with the class as we observe the changes that are occurring all around us!

