
Stacey Firestone
20205 is off to a fast start and we are all looking forward to so many of the amazing things that we have going on here at St. Cletus.  4th Grade has begun presenting their State Float projects and sharing all the fun facts they they learned along the way.  Make sure to stop by...
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Important information about upcoming events! State Project: Research Packet and float are due by January 17th!  Make sure your float includes the following: *State Name *State Capital *State Flower *Large Cities *State Bird *One Landmark *State Tree *One Tourist Attraction *Date of Statehood *State Nickname *State Flag *One Famous Person *Map of State   Feed...
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What a busy month October was and November is already half way over!  There are so many exciting events coming up at St. Cletus, please make sure to save the dates! Saturday, November 16th: Altar Service Training from 9:30-11am Tuesday, November 19th: Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head...
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Has it already been 9 weeks since we started school?  Time sure does fly when each day is jam packed with learning!  Here is a look at what is happening in the next two weeks at school: Monday, October 21st: Dining for Dollars at Portillo’s in Summit Tuesday, October 22nd: 8am Mass-  Students should be...
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What a busy month we have had at St. Cletus.  Our 4th grade students did a fantastic job doing the readings and singing the songs for the Grandfriends Mass.  Make sure to take a look at the photos of the event.  It was surely enjoyed by all!  Fall Fest came and went and the plans...
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What an exciting first few weeks we have been having at St. Cletus.  The classes have been busy establishing new routines and building new relationships.  We tackled our first team building experience by “Saving Fred”.  In this activity the students had to collaborate with one another and work on their communication skills.  Make sure to...
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What an amazing year this has been!  We have learned so much and I absolutely enjoyed learning alongside them! 🙂   Next year, many will begin a new journey at a new school, but that is why we have worked hard this year to create so many fun memories.  This last full week of school has...
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I can’t believe that we are already in the last full week of April, the end of the year will be here before we know it!  A few important dates to keep in mind.. April 26th: No School; Staff Development Day April 27th: School Auction.  Make sure to check out all the available items. April 28th: 10:30...
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So much fun happened this week at school.  We celebrated many birthday’s, we wrapped up St. Patrick’s Day and started talking about Easter.  We continued to talk about rhyming words and have started to put our sounds together to create words.  So far this year, we have learned the sound for S,A,T,I,P,N,C,K,E,H,R,M,D,G,O,U,L,F,B,J and Z.  Only...
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