Tales From Third Grade Room 114

Hello Room 114 Families

We are off to an AWESOME start this school year!!  We have had many exciting events to begin the school year.  The most exciting one has been FALL FEST.  So glad that the weather was beautiful!!  I hope you all have had a wonderful time!!  Other events that we have taken part in are fire, torneado, and lock down drills.

Religion:  We have been learning about the meanings of the words: prophet, incarnation, ministry, divine,

Math:  The class started taking the iReady Math Diagnostic last week and will continue taking it this week.  The students have been learning to read and interpret data they see on pictographs, tally charts, Frequency tables, and both Vertical and horizontal bar graphs.  We will continue to work with these charts this week and take a end of chapter test next week,  Students will also be completing Simple Solutions Lessons 13 – 16 this week with a quiz on Thursday September 21st.  The class was introduced to the Math Website HappyNumbers,  This website gives the students the opportunity to develop math skills focusing in on their ability levels.  The students have the log in information on the back cover of their assignment notebooks so that they can use the site at home.

Reading:  The class started taking the iReady Reading Diagnostic last week and will continue taking it this week.  The class will begin reading the story “Thunder Cakes” this week.  The story is about a little girl who is afraid of thunderstorms and how her grandmother helped her get past the fear.   As the students read the story they will work on many skills such as: sequencing, retelling, identifying nouns, pronouns, and adjectives.

Phonics:  During the first few weeks of school the students have been identifying the beginning, middle and ending sounds in words.  They also reviewed the hard and soft sounds of C and G.  This week the students will review these concepts to prepare for an end of Unit test next week.

Science:  The class has been learning what a scientist is and the work that they do.  The students have read about the work of Marie Curie, Sir Isaac Newton, George Washington Carver, and Galileo Galilei.  This week the students will be given asked to do a  research project on a scientist of their choosing.  The directions will be sent home on Monday and will be due back by Friday September 29th.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Spelling:  During the first three spelling units, students reviewed the short vowel sounds.  The students have done a good job on the classwork, list and standardized test as well.  Grading on the spelling test:  one point for each of the 15 words.  Each of the dictation sentences is worth 3 points ( 1pt for capital letter, 1pt for ending mark and 1pt for spelling).  We look over the sentences at the beginning of the week and identify the five things every sentence needs to have (Capital letter, Noun, Verb, ending mark and that it makes sense) and the sentences are posted along with the words on the spelling board so that the students can see them.

Things to look forward to this week:

Thursday, September 21st:  Grandfriends Mass and Reception: There is an RSVP form on the school website for you to fill out.   Please return the form that was sent home on Friday so that I know who will be leaving after the Mass and Reception.

Friday, September 22nd:  Teacher in – service no school


About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.