Tales of a Third Grade Everything

Hello Everyone!

We had a great week!  We welcomed Matthew Murray to our class and celebrated Eddie Yunker’s 9th Birthday.  The students did an amazing job on reciting their monthly prayers and presenting poems.

Dates to remember for the week 

This week the school will celebrate RED RIBBON week with the following activities.  The list of activities for the week were also sent home on Wednesday of last week.   

Also remember that the October Mystery Book Reports are due on or before Thursday, October 26th.  Please let me know if supplies are needed to complete the project before Thursday.  

Monday, October 23:  Crazy Sock Day ~ students are encouraged to wear their craziest socks to school.

Tuesday, October 24th: Regular uniform day. Buddies and board games! Bring a RED canned/boxed food item!

Wednesday, October 25th:  P.J. Day and Read!  Stay Healthy and Happy – read in your comfy p.j.’s!

Thursday, October 26th:  Say “Boo” to Drugs!  Dress down in Orange and Black”.   Library books are due back today.  Mystery Book Reports are Due and will be presented to the class today.   

Friday, October 27th:  We Are Drug Free!   Staff & Students wear red to show our healthy side – “Red Out!”

Religion:  The class will be starting the third chapter in our Religion books this week.  As the class reads through this chapter we will be talking about the fact that Jesus has power over life and death.  We will also be learning about the LAST JUDGEMENT at the end of the world.  

Reading:  The students will be learning to use WHO,  WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN and HOW to enhance their comprehension of stories and passages they are reading.  Two stories that the students will be reading and using these words with are “The Ant and the Grasshopper” and “Zel the Gentle Donkey”.  These stories are also part of the iReady Reading program that we use in class.

Phonics:  The students have completed the second unit in our Phonics series.  During the second Unit the students reviewed the sounds of long and short vowel sounds.  This week the class will spend time reviewing for the Unit Test that will be given on Wednesday of this week.

Spelling:  This week our spelling words have the sound of long a.  These words will have the long a sound when it is paired with i and y.  Spelling homework will be given on Tuesday this week.  

Math:  The students have worked hard learning how to use different strategies (make an array, use a number line to make jumps, read a bar model) to solve multiplication problems.  The students also learned how to use the communative property of multiplication to write the same problem in a different way (Example:  7 X 3 = 3 X 7) .  The class also learned that the two numbers that are multiplied together are called factors and that a product is the answer to the problem.  This week the class will be reviewing these concepts both in class and at home for home work as they prepare for a test this week.  Please be sure to work with your child to be sure they do complete the review and bring it back to school on Tuesday.  Students will be doing the next four lessons in Simple Solutions numbers 33 – 36.



About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.