Hello Third Grade Families,
Conference time is approaching quickly!! Please let me know if you are interested in an earlier conference. I am usually at school until 5:30 – 6:00 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.
The Student Council is hosting a Personal Care Item Drive for our St. Cletus Food Pantry starting November 7th. Please consider supporting this drive to help those in need. We will be collecting Personal Care Items such as soap, shampoos, conditioners, deodorant, products, toothpaste, tooth brushes, toilet paper and the like. Look for bins in Morrissey Hall and at the hallway leading to Jr. High.
CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s PBIS ticket winner: Stefanya . Remember that Students have MANY different opportunities in the classroom to earn PBIS tickets everyday. Some of the ways are FULLY completing and turning in homework NEATLY and ON TIME. Following ALL directions and NEATLY completing classwork assignments the same day. Memorizing multiplication facts 0 to 12 (the students get 1 ticket for each set of facts memorized.) There will be many more opportunities added through the year.
Exciting Events to Remember for this week
Tuesday November 15th: 8:00 am Mass. PLEASE be sure to be on time for our 7:45 arrival.
This Week in Class
Math: We will continue the review of concepts learned in Chapter 4. Our test will be on Tuesday November 15th. Please be sure to go through the Chapter 4 GO MATH book with your child to be sure that they have completed ALL homework pages. Continue to practice the multiplication facts with your child at home. The students should continue with the next 4 lessons (45 – 48) in their Simple Solutions Books. We will check them on Friday Morning. PLEASE check with your child to be sure they are completing these assignments. Four completed lessons gets a student a PBIS ticket.
Social Studies: We have been working on a poster about the five different places we live in this world: Town, State, CounReligion: This week we spend time in the Church practicing for the Thanksgiving Prayer Service so that the students are comfortable presenting their part to the school Please be sure that your child is practicing their part at home. Please also know that these parts DO NOT need to be memorized. As we continue on in our 2nd Step program the class will talk about accepting and learning about the differences between people.
Spelling: Don’t panic if the words this week look familiar, they are a review of the last five units that we have worked with. During the week the students will review skills that they learned in the past five weeks. Homework during the week will still be on Tuesday and Thursday night
Phonics: The class will review the different ways to make the long vowel sounds in words as they prepare for the end of unit 2 test on Wednesday, November 16th.
Shurley English: This week the class will review Adjectives, Adverbs and Article Adjectives as we learn jingles, and classify sentences together and independently.