Hello Third Grade Families
Thank you all so much for coming to conferences this week. I enjoyed getting to know you and rave about your children. Thank you also for your help with our Thanksgiving prayer service. If your child had a part in the service but was out sick, please don’t worry the Third Grade class will be presenting the Stations of the Cross during Lent. Any student that was assigned either a speaking part or a sign carrier will be asked to read one of the Stations.
The poster and large white envelope for the December Book Report is being sent home this week. Please read over the directions that I put in the envelope and let me know if you have any questions. Remember that the book report project is due on December 12th.
Due to the shortened week we did not pull a PBIS winner. But remember that Students have MANY different opportunities in the classroom to earn PBIS tickets everyday. Some of the ways are FULLY completing and turning in homework NEATLY and ON TIME. Following ALL directions and NEATLY completing classwork assignments the same day. Memorizing multiplication facts 0 to 12 (the students get 1 ticket for each set of facts memorized.) There will be many more opportunities added through the year.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fun things to remember for the coming week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tuesday, November 29th: 8:00am Mass
Friday, December 2nd: PBIS assembly.
Monday, December 12th: December Book Report Due.
Thursday, December 15th: December Prayer recited.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here are some of the things we will be learning this week~~~~~~~~~~~~
Religion: Sunday November 27th marked the beginning of ADVENT. During the week the students will learn that the season of ADVENT helps us to prepare for the coming of the Son of God.
Reading: We will be starting a chapter book called “Treasures in the Trees” by Christopher Cheng. The story is about a little girl who is trying to convince her parents not to sell the grove of trees that is on the land near their house. Find out how the little girl in the story convinces her parents to keep the land by reading the story at home too. You can click on the link in GOOGLE CLASSROOM: STREAM to read the story.
Phonics: The students have finished the second unit in Phonics and will be taking the test to demonstrate their understanding of the unit’s concepts. We will then move on to the third unit that has us learning about compound words, reviewing the long and short vowel sounds, counting the number of syllable in words and many other skills.
Spelling: As we work with our new spelling lists the students will identify spelling patterns and write words with ch, sh, tch, th, wr and ck. The class will also identify complex consonants in words and use a dictionary to check alphabetical order. As a group the class will learn to use analogies and context clues to reinforce comprehension of words with complex consonants.
Social Studies: We continue to explore communities this week. The students will learn about the country of Timbuktu Mali, Sahara.
Math: We are starting a chapter on geometry this week. The students will learn the meaning of these terms: area, unit square, perimeter, rectangle, inverse operations, and square unit.