Tales of the Third Grade EVERYTHING

Hello Third Grade Families,

We have had a wonderful beginning to the New Year.  The students came back from break and got right to work on some fun projects for the Catholic Schools Week open house.  They were also assigned a very interesting project about the changes in everyday technology.  This project will take the place of the January book report.  These projects are due NO LATER than Friday January 27th.  Please be sure to read over the directions again with your child and then encourage them to do their BEST work.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fun things to remember ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday January 9th:  

Tuesday, January 10th: All school Mass at 8:00.  PLEASE arrive at school on time so that we can be in our seats before Mass begins.  

Wednesday, January 11th: PBIS assembly at 2:15

Thursday, January 12th:  

Friday, January 13th:  Adult Trivia Night

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What we are doing in class this week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Religion: During the week we will talk about Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit.  As we read about Jesus’ promise. the students will learn the meaning of these words: Mission Pentecost, Church, Christian and Ascension as they apply to the Catholic Faith.   

Science:  Our new chapter in Science is about the design process that inventors use as they develop new technology to assist in everyday life.  Please remember that the CHANGES in TECHNOLOGY PROJECT is DUE FRIDAY JANUARY 27TH,  Consider having your child write index cards to read as they talk about each section of their poster.    

Math:  The class will learn to use the Distributive Property to find the area of models and combined rectangles.  They will also compare areas of rectangles that have the same perimeter.  

Spelling:  Our spelling unit this week has the class working with Consonant Digraphs and Blends.  

Phonics:  This week the students will review the sound Y makes when it is being used as a vowel in a word. 




About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.