Hello Third Grade Families,
Our PBIS winner this week was Grace Mosqueda . Don’t forget that Students have MANY different opportunities in the classroom to earn PBIS tickets everyday. Some of the ways are FULLY completing and turning in homework NEATLY and ON TIME. Following ALL directions and NEATLY completing classwork assignments the same day. Memorizing multiplication facts 0 to 12 (the students get 1 ticket for each set of facts memorized.) There will be many more opportunities added through the year.
Preparations for the annual Spring Auction is underway. The OLDEST or ONLY kids in school brought home an incentive flyer filled with LOTS of fun challenges and prizes if goals are met. We read through the flyer and the list of incentives in class and the students were really excited with the possibilities. The first Challenge is to have EVERY St. Cletus family register for the fundraiser by January 31st. When we meet this goal the school children will take part in a special event. Families should register for the event using this website: palooza2023.givesmart.com. Once on the site click on Become a #Cardinalpalooza VIP. So that I can keep track of the students / families who have signed up from third Grade the students will be bringing home a paper to be returned to school by the 30th.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January Project Due Dates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday, January 23rd: Poems recited
Friday, January 27th: Technology Projects Due ~ Looking for poster board or a presentation board? I saw then at the Dollar Tree off of Route 83.
Sunday, January 29th: Technology projects on display for Catholic Schools Week Open House.
Monday, January 30th: Technology presentations begin and continue through the week. Consider helping your child write information about their posters on index cards for their presentations.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fun things to remember ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday, January 23rd: January Poem presentations. BRING BACK LIBRARY BOOKS this week.
Tuesday, January 24th: All school Mass at 8:00. PLEASE arrive at school on time so that we can be in our seats before Mass begins.
Wednesday, January 25th: D4D at McDonalds on La Grange Rd in Country Side from 5:00 to 7:00.
Friday, January 27th: Technology Projects are due TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Library books are due to day.
Sunday January 29th: Catholic Schools Week Open House!! Come visit the classroom and see the Changes in Technology Projects.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What we are doing in class this week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Religion: The students will finish the Chapter in Religion and have a take home use the book test due on Thursday. We will also be creating a school wide paper chain that encourages the students to complete this thought: With God’s love, I pray for…… ? If your child or family have a special intention please sit and write it down, and have them bring it in and we will add it to the chain. Another project that will be made this week in honor of Catholic Schools Week is a cross
Science: We continue this week learning more about the five steps in the design process. Please remember that the CHANGES in TECHNOLOGY PROJECT is DUE FRIDAY JANUARY 27TH, Consider having your child write index cards to read as they talk about each section of their poster.
Math: The class will finish reviewing the concepts of perimeter and area both in class and as homework. This week the class will complete the second diagnostic testing for iReady. PLEASE be sure that your child brings their WORKING headphones everyday.
Spelling: Our spelling words this week a ones the writers commonly misspell as they work. As the week goes on students will work with: one and two syllable words, contractions, as well as sound and letter patterns and practice word building skills to enhance their knowledge of these commonly misspelled words.
Phonics: The class will review how words can be divided into syllables by counting the number of vowels it has. We will learn the sound of vowels when they are paired with the letter R (ar, er, ir, or, and ur) also known as R-controlled Vowels or Bossy R.
Reading: This week we will finish working with the story “About the Earth.” The students will take a short comprehension quiz about of the story.