Hello Third Grade Families,
Congratulations Third Graders for winning the PBIS Banner!!! So proud of all the hard work you all do every day!! Congratulations to Michael Delsino for winning the Stuffed Cardinal in the 3rd through 5th grade category.
Our PBIS winner this week was Stefanya. Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fun things to remember ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday, February 13 th:
Tuesday, February 14th: 8:00 am Mass. Valentine’s Day Party
Wednesday, February 15th:
Thursday, February 16th: 10:00 prayer service for Turkey and Syria. February Prayer recited today.
Friday, February 17th: No School ~ Teacher Inservice,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What we are doing in class this week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Religion: We will be learning about the four signs of the Church and what they mean in our Religion. The four sign are ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC. This Thursday the school will attend a prayer service for the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. Please join us in Church at 10:00 if your schedule allows.
Science: The students will be learning about the different jobs that involve science.
Math: We will be reviewing the strategies and concepts learned in chapter 5 and take the test on Wednesday of this week.
Spelling: The students will work with the R – Controlled vowel sound of or spelled ore, or, ar and oar. Spelling test will be given on Thursday February 16th due to the shortened week. Next week’s spelling words will be given to the students on Thursday as well.
Phonics: We started Unit 4 in our Phonics book. This unit will have the students working with and reviewing contractions, plurals and suffixe.
Reading: The class will continue to read the story “Athabascans”. As they read this story the students will hear about how people in this rural Alaskan
Social Studies: Thank you for helping your child choose a President to do a report and mobile about. These mobiles will be due ON or BEFORE Tuesday February 28th. Please let me know if you need any supplies for the project. The students have been reading books about their President using the EPIC website. They have also been taking notes from the books they are learning.