Tales of the Third Grade EVERYTHING

Hello Third Grade Families,

Please remember to let the school office know if your child will have a GRAND FRIEND celebrating GRAND FRIENDS DAY with them on Thursday, September 22nd.  There was a letter sent home with the OLDEST or ONLY child in their WHITE WEDNESDAY envelope.  If you are in need of a new form please let me know and I will send a new one home.

The third graders are doing a GREAT job learning the routines and rules for a successful year.  Last week the class began taking their iReady diagnostics for Reading and Math and this week, they will complete them.  Please be sure to have your child keep their HEADPHONES in a safe pocket in their backpacks at all times.  We celebrated Damian Hernandez’s birthday on Friday and will celebrate Maddie Prishman’s birthday this Monday.

The class started a chapter on multiplication.  Daily flashcard drill is a great way to memorize these fact.  You can also make a game of the drills.  One idea for a game is to practice on the stairs in your home and each time they know the answer they go up a step but if they miss an answer they remain on the step until the next time they answer correctly. (The game is also great for spelling word practice).  Another idea for practice: shoot a basketball into a hoop (outdoor or a NERF) after every correct answer.  The students will have their card in their backpack (hopefully in the same pocket as their headphone) and are encouraged to practice every chance they get.  Start will the ZERO’s (ZERO property of multiplication) then on to the 1’s (the IDENTITY property of Multiplication) and work through the 12’s.  As an incentive, I am offering each student a PBIS (Positive Behavior In School) ticket each time they can go through the facts (0 – 12) with no mistakes (a total of 12 tickets).  If a child makes a mistake they can go practice again until they pass each level (no limits on the tries).

Fun days to remember for this week are:

Monday September 12th:  RED, WHITE & BLUE Patriot dress down day.  

Tuesday, September 13th:  D4D at Mak’s House in Lagrange.

Thursday, September 15th:  September Prayer will be recited

Friday September 16th:  Spirit Wear Dress Down Day.

Here’s what the class will be working on in every subject in third grade this week:

Religion: As we begin our SECOND STEPS  program the students will learn that feelings can change in different ways.  We will begin our Religion book this we  ek as well.  This week we will learn that God the Son became one of us to save us from sin and that Jesus grew up in Nazareth.

Math:  The students will be assigned lessons 9 – 12 in the SIMPLE SOLUTIONS book to be completed by Friday September 16th.  We will correct and explain lessons in class on Friday morning.  The students will then take a quiz to show their understanding of the material.  We will continue our chapter about multiplication.  This week the class will see how addition and multiplication are related.  Then we will use number lines (yardsticks) to skip count and find the products for multiplication facts.  The class will complete the iReady Math Diagnostic this week as well.  PLEASE be sure that your child has their head phones in their backpack.

Science:  The students will be learn about the different ways Scientist investigate questions with models, forming a hypothesis, and looking at the different variables.

Reading:  The class will begin the iReady Reading Diagnostic this week as well.  PLEASE be sure that your child has their head phones in their backpack.    The story this week is “LOCATION LOCATION,LOCATION” about a boy trying to find the perfect spot to sell lemonade in order to win a contest he and his sister are having with each other.   The students will read this story on their chrome books and will have access to the story at home as well.  The link will be on our google classroom website.  I will be sending information about how you can connect to the site at home.

Phonics:  During the week the students will work with the hard and soft sounds of c and g.  Our workbooks will also have the students sorting words according to the location (beginning, middle or end) of the consonants in words.

Spelling: Our spelling words this week have us working with the spelling patterns of words with short U sound spelled using an O or U.    During the week the class will complete activities that will help strengthen their knowledge of the week’s words.  The students will have spelling homework on both Tuesday and Thursday nights.  This homework is DUE BACK the next day.  Please be sure that your child uses their BEST handwriting on both pages and that they put both their first and last names on the pages.

Shurley English: The class will practice where to use punctuation and capital letters in sentences.  We will also be introduced to the jingles for synonyms and antonyms.

Social Studies: Our new series has the students learning about communities focusing in on the people who work there and the special events that make their communities different from others.




About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.