Hello Third Grade Families,
Congratulations Ava Van Wyck for having the winning PBIS ticket this week!!!
Congratulations to our friends that took part in the First March Madness 3 Point Shootout on Friday.We had Charlie Esposito, Grace Mosqueda, James Domzal, Abigail Malham, Eamon Morelock, Kateri Kelliher, Danny Peele and Maxwell Jones representing our class. Everyone did a great job. Our three top shooters were Maxwell Jones, Danny Peele and Kateri Kelliher.
The theme for our THIRD GRADE FAMILY picture wall in April will be SPRING or EASTER pictures. Please send in these pictures starting Friday.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fun things to remember ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tuesday, March 28 th Children should bring their recorders and music to school today and EVERY Tuesday.
Wednesday March 29th: Auction Shirt Dress Down Day
Thursday, March 30th: 2:30 Stations of the Cross. Please join us if your schedule allows. Library Books are due back today.
Friday, March 31st: Disney’s “SATURDAYS” preview and Open Gym starting at 5:45. More information to come. “SATURDAYS” was filmed just down Stone Avenue from St. Cletus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What we are doing in class this week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Religion: We will continue with the 3 pillars of Lent: PRAYER, FASTING AND ALMSGIVING.
Social Studies: Students will continue to learn about the various physical environments: including climate, landforms and natural resources. Students will also learn how people and places change and adapt to each other.
Math: Students will take the Chapter 6 test on Monday. We will begin a chapter on two dimensional shapes this week as well. The class will learn the meaning of these terms: angle, vertex, right angle, plane shape, point, endpoints, ray, line, and line segment. Please continue to work with your child on their multiplication and division facts as well. Simple Solution Lessons 105 – 108 should be completed by Friday March 31st.
Spelling: Spelling words for the week will end with double consonants and y.
Phonics: This week the students will review: contractions, plurals and words with suffixes, and adding endings.
Reading: The class will reading the story “Below Deck ~ A Titanic Story”. Students will work in partners to buddy read sections of the story and answer questions using complete sentences from the book.