Tales of the Third Grade EVERYTHING

Hello Third Grade Families,

Congratulations Grace Keeley for having the winning PBIS ticket this week!!!

The theme for our THIRD GRADE FAMILY picture wall in April will be SPRING or EASTER pictures.  Please send in these pictures starting Friday.

During Spring Break our AMAZING maintenance teams will be cleaning our rooms.  They have asked us to clean out the student desk just as we did for Christmas break.  PLEASE send in an old backpack or reusable canvas grocery bag by Wednesday of this week.

The class voted to do poems this month rather than doing a bookreport.  The poems and prayer for April will be sent home on Monday, April 3rd.  One of the requirements for the poems this month will be that EVERYONE have props and if possible a simple costume for their presentations.  The props can be as simple as a picture about the chosen poem.  Poems presentations will be on April 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important Events this Week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, April 3rd:  Book Fair starts at 9:00am

Tuesday, April 4th  Children should bring their recorders and music to school today and EVERY Tuesday. Book Fair starts at 9:00am

Wednesday April 5th:  Auction Shirt Dress Down Day.  Book Fair starts at 9:00am

Thursday, April 6th:  9:30 Washing of the Feet Prayer Service presented by First Grade.  2:30  Stations of the Cross.  Please join us if your schedule allows.     

Friday, April 7th To Monday April 17th: Spring Break!!  Happy Easter and Enjoy the time off!!



About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.