Hello Third Grade Families,
Don’t forget that this month the theme for our ROOM 114 family picture board is HALLOWEEN. Send in a picture of your child in their favorite costume. Be sure to put their name on the back so that they can be returned at the end of the month.
This past week the students brought in their september book reports and the projects that they made to help with their presentations. The projects are AMAZING and I can’t wait to hear all about them this week in class.
This week the students will be coming home with the prayer, poems and book report projects for October. The due dates for projects are Prayer: October 14th, Poems: October 21st, and Book Reports: October 24th.
CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s PBIS ticket winner SHAWN HOUSE. Remember that Students have MANY different opportunities in the classroom to earn PBIS tickets everyday. Some of the ways are FULLY completing and turning in homework NEATLY and ON TIME. Following ALL directions and NEATLY completing classwork assignments the same day. Memorizing multiplication facts 0 to 12 (the students get 1 ticket for each set of facts memorized.) There will be many more opportunities added through the year.
Exciting Events to Remember for this week
Monday October 3rd: Hot Lunch
Tuesday October 4th: 8:00 am Mass. PLEASE be sure to be on time for our 7:45 arrival. 4:00pm ~ Pet blessing at St. Cletus ALL pets are welcome.
Wednesday October 5th: Hot Lunch
Thursday October 6th : PICTURE DAY ~ Dress up in your finest outfit and bring your BEST smile to school with you.
Friday October 7th: Hot Lunch. Vision and Hearing Screening today.
Monday October 10th: NO SCHOOL in observance of Columbus Day. ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND!!
This Week in Class
Math: During the week the students will review the concepts covered in chapter 3. As a class we will work through problems similar to those worked on in class. As homework the students will complete a review of the skills to prepare for a test on Thursday. The students should continue with the next 4 lessons in their Simple Solutions Books. We will check them on Friday Morning. PLEASE check with your child to be sure they are completing these assignments. Four completed lessons gets a student a PBIS ticket.
Social Studies: During the week the class will continue learning about these three different types of communities Urban, Suburban and rural. The class will learn about the different qualities of each community.
Science: The students will begin learning about the design process that inventors go through as they create inventions.
Religion: During the week the class will hear the story of the Mustard Seed and how it relates to our faith and the ways in which God shows His love for us.
Spelling: Don’t panic if the words this week look familiar, they are a review of the last five units that we have worked with so far this school year. During the week the students will review skills that they learned the first five weeks in third grade. Homework during the week will still be on Tuesday and Thursday night
Phonics: We have finished working on Unit 1 in our books. The students will be taking the unit test after spending sometime reviewing and practicing these skills.
Shurley English: This week the students will be review the five items EVERY sentence MUST have to be complete. These five things are Start with a capital letter, have one of three ending marks, have at least one noun and one verb and finally the sentence MUST make sense. We will also will be working on identifying nouns, verbs and adverbs in sentences.