Hello Third Grade Families,
This week the students will be presenting their MYSTERY BOOK REPORTS. Please be sure that child knows about the items that they have in their boxes and are able to explain them to the class. A great way to help them with their presentations is to have the information written on index cards that they can read from. We will start presentations on Monday and finish up on Thursday.
Our Student council is hosting a SOCK-TOBER event: From October 17th – 28th. The school is collecting BRAND NEW SOCKS to donate to a local charitable organization. Collection boxes will be in the Morrissey Hall lobby, the junior high wing (near door #12), and in the Parish Center. Sock sizes can be for adults or children.
CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s PBIS ticket winner Max Jones. Remember that Students have MANY different opportunities in the classroom to earn PBIS tickets everyday. Some of the ways are FULLY completing and turning in homework NEATLY and ON TIME. Following ALL directions and NEATLY completing classwork assignments the same day. Memorizing multiplication facts 0 to 12 (the students get 1 ticket for each set of facts memorized.) There will be many more opportunities added through the year.
Exciting Events to Remember for this week
We will be celebrating RED RIBBON WEEK all week. Instead of talking about being drug free we will be focusing on MAKING HEALTHY CHOICES. On Thursday we will be having an in class ROCK PAPER SCISSORS TOURNAMNET. There will be a champ girl and a champ boy. These two will then go up against each other. On Friday our class champ will go up against the other grade champs and then a winner will be named. GOOD LUCK!!!
Monday October 24th: Mystery Book Reports are Due. Students should wear appropriate sweat shirts (college, sports, etc . . . ) and CRAZY socks with their school uniforms.
Tuesday October 25th: 8:00 am Mass. PLEASE be sure to be on time for our 7:45 arrival. We will decorating the sidewalks outside of school with healthy drug free messages. Students are asked to bring in a can of food with a RED wrapper.
Wednesday October 26th: PJ day with our buddies. Treats and movie day. We will be getting together with our first grade buddies for this event.
Thursday October 27th: Celebrate students!! Wear ALL red today. We will be having a ROCK PAPER SCISSORS TOURNAMENT in the classroom. There will be a champ girl and a champ boy. These two will then go up against each other. On Friday our class champ will go up against the other grade champs and then a winner will be named. GOOD LUCK!!!
Friday October 21st: Be unhealthy???? YOU”RE CRAZY !!!!! Come to school in your FAVORITE sports team colors and show your healthy side!!
This Week in Class
Math: SW will learn how to Use the Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Properties to multiply. Keep practicing the multiplication facts with your child at home. The students should continue with the next 4 lessons in their Simple Solutions Books. We will check them on Friday Morning. PLEASE check with your child to be sure they are completing these assignments. Four completed lessons gets a student a PBIS ticket.
Social Studies: This week the students will learn about these vocabulary words (geography, community and culture) and how they relate to the world we live in. Each student will create a poster that talks about the city, state, country, continent and planet where they live.
Science: The students will be learning about the different tools used to measure various objects.
Religion: This week we will talk about how Jesus has the power over life and death. The students will learn about the Second Coming and how it effects us as Catholics. As we continue on in our 2nd Step program the class will talk about accepting and learning about the differences between people.
Spelling: The spelling words this week have us working with the sounds of long E. The long E sound this week will be made using ee and ea in the spell of the words. Homework during the week will still be on Tuesday and Thursday night
Phonics: The class will review the long and short vowel sounds.
Shurley English: This week the class will review Adjectives, Adverbs and Article Adjectives as we learn jingles, and classify sentences together and independently.