Third Grade – Mrs. Davis 1/26/24

This week….in the mornings, students concentrated on the IReady diagnostic test.

In Science, understanding engineering and technology, students used communication, planning, decision making, and modeling skills to construct bridges. Students tested their designs and evaluated other students constructive criticism to revamp their bridge designs. Job well done!

On Tuesday, students participating in choir made their debut, as they sung the closing hymn at Mass.

We celebrated a birthday – happy birthday and God bless Mariana!

In Religion, we made a prayer cloth, which we will use weekly in our group prayer, and as part of the student’s continued understanding of Ordinary Time, the students created models from Jesus’ life and teachings. (*Jesus performing his first miracle at the wedding in Cana, *Jesus calling his first disciples-Simon, Andrew, James, and John, *the boy Jesus not in the caravan – found at the temple listening, learning, and teaching, *Jesus giving the Sermon on Mount).

Finally, on Friday, the students presented their technology projects on how technology changes improved our lives. Great job everyone!

God bless,

Mrs. Davis



