This week…How wonderful is the Lord our God! This week we continued learning about cultures and traditions – including our own. We learned about Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day – St. Valentine. Tuesday, the children enjoyed a Valentines party. On Wednesday, we attended mass as One Catholic Community for Ash Wednesday. In Religion, the children learned about the four marks of the church. (Being One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.) The students completed their “Thankful Journals” – an Ordinary Time activity. Daily, they were to write something they were thankful for, and write something about Jesus or his life. As we have moved to the season of Lent on our liturgical calendar, the students will engage in various Lent activities, and have started reading about Jesus’ parables. We have concluded our geometry chapter in math and are looking towards division. Additionally, the children have been learning about the jobs of the President and the requirements to run for President, to make connections to support their President Scrapbooks, which are due on Friday, February 23rd.
Finally, we will be starting our Growing with God program. You will receive information electronically, and a form will be sent home with your student. Please return your form signed, if you prefer to have your child opt out of the lessons.
God bless,
Mrs. Davis