This week..the children were full of wonderful stories from the Fall Fest. What a great way to spend time together as a community! As of Friday, all of the children completed their IReady assessments. With the Cardinal there to cheer the students on, we kicked off our first PBIS (Positive Behavior in School) assembly. Students were reminded about the criteria of the program and excited about potential prizes. As always, they were reminded to be responsible, be respectful, and be compassionate.
Looking forward…The children are looking forward to researching various scientist/engineers, and learning about all of their contributions. Thursday, September 21st the school will host a Mass for Grandparents/Grand-friends/Special Persons at 1:30pm. There is no school on Friday, September 22nd – Professional Development Day. Mark your calendar for Picture Day – October 5th.
God Bless,
Mrs. Davis