Happy New Year! And welcome back! I hope that everyone had a safe, happy, and blessed Christmas vacation.
This week…the students and I were getting back into our routines, while setting new goals and expectations for 2024, while also reviewing our PBIS guidelines. In Religion this week, we invited the Holy Spirit into our lives as we learned about the Epiphany – and the Maji, the twelve days of Christmas, and prophets. We learned about the prophet Jonah, and read his psalm. Thanks to God for allowing us this great opportunity of being in Catholic schools. Each day we get to invite God into our classroom. In math, we have turned to our geometry chapter, and we are having fun learning about angles and lines. We celebrated Gianna’s “half-birthday”, and Emma was our class’ “rock, paper, scissors” champ. Although she did not make it to the final round, Emma proudly represented us at our first PBIS assembly of the new year.
Please have a safe weekend, and as a reminder there is no school on Monday.
God bless,
Mrs. Davis