Third Grade – Mrs. Davis – October 27, 2023

This week…we celebrated Red Ribbon week, focusing on healthy activities and healthy food choices. The students had fun with crazy sock day, pajama day, joining our 6th grade buddies for an afternoon of board games, participating in a school-wide Freeze dance, and being of service by making contributions to St. Cletus’ food pantry.

We celebrated two birthdays,  Happy Birthday Ella and Luke. God bless!

The students also participated in an emergency bus evacuation drill. What a timely drill – as we prepare for our Service Field Trip.

The students continue to learn about Pentecost and the beginning of the church, and the Acts of the Apostles. We reviewed symmetry by completing drawings of Halloween figures, and testing our knowledge of shapes.

The students are looking forward to presenting their book reports, and Halloween.

God Bless,


Mrs. Davis





