Third Grade News and Up Coming Events

Thank you all for helping your child practice their parts for our Thanksgiving Prayer Service.  I hope you were able to enjoy the service either in person or on our St. Cletus Website.  Thanks to Mrs. Ziemba for working with the students as they learned the songs that we sang during the service.  Thank you to Fr Elmer, Mr. Porod and Mrs. Schaefer for their part in the service as well.  Lastly thank you to Mrs Hodak and Mr. Ochoa for taking pictures and filming the service.  Please visit the St. Cletus Parent Page to view the service with your child.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Religion: During our Second Steps class we will talk about and role play ways to start a friendly conversation with our friends. As a class we will also talk about the fact that Jesus helps us show kindness to others in many different and the ways in which we have grown and changed in the last year.

Reading: This week we start a new chapter book called “Treasures in the Trees” about a little girl who does not want her parents to sell their home.   This little girl sets out to prove to them that there is something special living in the trees in their back yard using scientific strategies.

Spelling:  Our words this week are a review from the Units 7 to 11.  As we go through the week the students will review the different spelling patterns they have learned to use.  These patterns are:  vowel – consonant – silent e, Long A spelled ai and ay, Long E spelled ee and ea, Long I spelled i and igh, Long O spelled ow, oa and o.

Phonics: Students will read and write words with consonant digraphs. They will also identify consonants digraphs at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Math:  The students will work on reviewing the beginning concepts of multiplication that they have learned in chapter 3.  They will practice using the identity and zero properties of multiplication, making arrays to figure out simple facts and using addition and multiplication to solve the same problems.

Social Studies:  The class will learn about the geography of Denver, Colorado.  They will spend time learning about long ago and modern day Timbukto as well.  After reading about these places the students will use close reading to answer questions in Google Classroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Up Coming Events~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, November 29th:  Library books are due on Friday December 3rd.  Please be sure to return your child’s books this week so that new ones can be checked out when we visit the library on Friday.

Tuesday, November 30th:  8:00am Mass.  Please be on time for school so that we can be on time for Mass.  Please join us for Mass if your schedule allows.

Friday December 3rd:  Spirit Wear Dress Down Day!!  Library Books are due back today.

About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.