Religion: This week we will attend May Crowing on Monday at 9:30 Mass. The students will also talk about the fact that Jesus gave the Eucharist at the Last Super. We will talk about the fact that Mass serves both as a sacrifice and a meal for Catholics. We will also talk about the part we can play in each Mass we attend. Our vocabulary words for the week are Mass, Sacrifice, Passover and Eucharist.
Reading: Our new story is called “Deep Down and Other Extreme Places” This story will have the class reading about the Grand Canyon and discussing different aspects of this land mark.
Phonics: Students will continue reading and writing words with prefixes, endings, and suffixes and divide them into syllables. The students will also work with compound words found in a short story they are reading. The class will also be working with words that have suffixes or endings to complete sentences.
Spelling: Our spelling words contain double or complex consonants.
Math: The students will begin learning about fractions as we start Chapter 8 in our Math Curriculum. As the chapter begins, the class will work models to make equal shares and solve story problems. They will also learn that they can use a fraction to name one part of a whole that is divided into equal parts.
Science: The students will read about flatlands, plains. as well as plateaus. We will read about what water does to change the earth’s surface. The students will learn what the terms erosion and glacier mean as they read about how they effect the earth’s surface over time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UP COMING EVENTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Prayers: Our Prayer this month is the “Hail Mary.” The students will recite the prayer to me on May 16th.
Poem: Due to the VERY detailed Science Fiction Book Report, I have decided that the students will not be required to memorize a poem.
Book Report: This month the students will be reading a Science Fiction Book. The First part of the book report (the Pre – Read page) is due Monday May 9th. The project for the report will be due May 27th and will be presented to the class during the last week of school. The packet for the report was sent home on Friday, May 6th.
Monday May 9th: May Crowning Mass at 9:30. Please join us if your schedule allows. The Science Fiction Pre-read page is due today.
Tuesday, May 10th: 8:00am Mass. Please be on time so that we can be in our seats on time. Please join us for Mass if your schedule allows.
Thursday May 12th: Library Books are due today. Please be sure to RETURN any books that your child has out.