5th Grade News

Hello all! The past two weeks have been super busy, but so much fun and packed with learning. Before we recap, here’s some important information:

Open House is this weekend! Students are encouraged to come in unifor, from 11:30-2:30. Family Mass is at 10:30am.

Catholic Schools week is next week. On Monday, students can wear their favorite plaid shirt with their uniform. Tuesday – bring a can of soup for the food pantry. Wednesday – Spirit Wear Dress down. Thursday – Student appreciation day, no uniform! Friday – Red and White games! Dress down day too. We play from 10:50-11:20am, and you are welcome to come watch the 5th grade play.

Now to what’s been going on in the classroom:

Science: We worked SO HARD on our Consumer Fair projects and I am so proud of everyone! The boards will be on display for Open House. Next week, we go back to plants.

Social Studies: We are continuing to learn about the 13 Colonies, more specifically the Middle and Southern Colonies. The kids designed a stamp based on one of the colonies and they look great! Next week we will learn about the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Reading: We are reading Number the Stars, and the kids are loving it. The story is about a 1o year old girl who helps hide her Jewish friend from the Nazis in Copenhagen.

Religion: We wrapped up our introductory lesson on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and next week we will dive deeper into the Sacrament.
