What a busy week! Lent and Valentine’s Day! Thank you to the room moms for planning and such a fun party for the kids!
A few questions for your kids:
- Who was the line leader?
- What did you trace your hands for today?
- How are you preparing your hearts for Lent?
- Did you like the fizzy hearts? which melted faster, the hearts in water or the hearts in vinegar?
Looking into next week:
Religion: We are preparing our hearts and minds for Lent. We will be going to church to see the different stations. The stations are not only a basis of our faith, but how we learn compassion for others. We will be talking about the stations in a age appropriate way.
Literacy: We will continue with Rhyming words, CVC words, and also adding POPcorn words. POP corn words are words that show up in our Daily Message that the kids can easily recognize.
Math: Our number work will continue as we use dice and fun games to learn these teen numbers.
Science: Hands on fun, and watching the weather as spring is around the corner!
Have a wonderful weekend!
The JK Team