
Junior Kindergarten
Happy Valentine’s Day! These kids all have such BIG hearts!  We had such a great time at our class party today. Thank you so much to the moms who came to join in the fun! A few questions for your kids:  What station was your favorite at the party? (hats, bingo, dice, cookies, or passing...
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We had a great first week of February!  We were so excited for the warmer weather and to get back outdoor recess! We finished up the Arctic animals unit, and now we are busy with all things hearts! We talked about love for our family and friends, and most of all God’s love for us...
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What a great Catholic Schools week! We have had so much fun this week. Thank you to all the families who came out to say “HELLO” on Sunday.  Our school is such a great place to learn and grow and we have a LOT of fun doing it:) We have had a BLAST learning all...
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We are having a Arctic blast this week in the classroom! So far we have learned about Penguins and the Arctic Fox.  More to come next week, So many animals and fun facts to learn! Catholic schools week starts on Sunday! We have Mass at 10:30 and then Open House from 11:30-2:30! Please tell your...
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We hope you are staying warm! This has been a snowy and cold week…burrrr!  We have had our Parish center to run around for recess, but we sure do miss the fresh air and being outside.  The kids have been reviewing classroom and school behavior rules and signed a class “Oath”.  We have it hanging...
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Happy New Year! Winter has arrive and we have lots of fun ahead of us in 2025!It was so good to be back and see all of your children! WOW, they have grown! They had so much to share!We have started the new year off reviewing our classroom rules, and getting back to our classroom...
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The Christmas Joy is all around the JK classroom! We had so much fun watching the Grinch movie in our PJ’s today, and sharing a special snack with all of our Preschool friends!The kids have been very busy preparing our hearts for baby Jesus” birth by doing kind our deeds, and practicing for our Christmas...
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It was so nice talking to you all at Parent Teacher Conferences! Thanksgiving is now behind us and now we are preparing for Jesus’ Birthday. We have been practicing for our Christmas play which is December 18th @9:30! WE are SO EXCITED.  Please have your children come in their Christmas “Best” dress outfits that day...
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We have so much to be thankful for, and snow was top of the list on Wednesday:)Thanksgiving is fast approaching and we are ready! We have talked about using our manners over the holidays while visiting family.   When greeting our family,  we do so with a smile, or a “hello” , or WOW it smells...
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What a great week in JK! The weather has really turned to Fall in the last week. This week we filled our classroom bucket of  Kindness with warm and fuzzy Pom Poms, and earned a class reward.  The children voted on extra playground time, they were excited. We have now joined the rest of the...
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