Fifth Grade News – October 18th

What another great 2 weeks in 5th grade! Here are come upcoming dates to remember:

October 21st – Portillo’s Dining for Dollars 5-8pm

October 22nd and 24th – Frozen Jr Auditions

October 31st – Halloween Party and Trunk or Treat at 1:45pm


Now, here’s a recap of what’s been going on:

ELA: We’re taking a deep dive into vowel digraphs and vowel pairs! We also did a “Round Robin” story writing using our vocabulary words and had a blast!

Science: We’re continuing to learn about properties of matter, how matter behaves, and how to test matter. We learned about conductivity as well.

Reading: We finished up our Personal Narrative Projects. These took a long time, but we took time with each step of the writing process. I have loved reading all of the students’ stories! Next up we have another book report on a Realistic Fiction book. I will send over details soon. This is due October 30th.

Social Studies: We wrapped up our studies of the Native American Tribes of North America. We learned about the similarities and differences of the major tribes in all regions of the continent. The kids especially loved learning about the Plains Tribes (ask them why).

Religion: We’re starting to learn about each sacrament in depth. We started with Baptism and why it’s the foundation of Christian Life.
