Looking Back…
*Penguin week was so much fun. Learning all about these beautiful birds was so interesting. They are birds…but they CAN’T fly! Ask your child what other things they learned about penguins. We created our own penguins for our letter craftivity of the week. We had a virtual visit to an aquarium to see lots of penguins. The best part of our penguin week was doing the Penguin Dance!
*Counting popcorn was our favorite math activity this week. Since it begins with our letter of the week, we decided to count it on our ten frames. Soon we will be using our double ten frames to learn the tricky teens. We have grown SO MUCH this year! Also, we have been busy at our learning centers writing our numerals 0-5. Be sure to practice writing numerals at home using the song in last week’s Sing-A-Song link.
*God gave us our families and we are so thankful. We discussed all the things we love to do with our families and created some beautiful art for our classroom! Many of our read alouds were about different types of families, even penguin families. Next week we will thank God for our friends.
*Next week is Valentine’s Day and we have been busy making lots of heart art. Our love hearts are displayed in the hall and everyone loves them! We can’t wait to celebrate at our party on Tuesday:)
*Congratulations to Emmie, our PBIS winner of the week, for being a great friend!
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Valentine’s Day
Literacy: Qq, Valentine beginning sounds, rainbow writing
Math: Ten Frame Valentine centers, sorting hearts by two attributes, writing numerals
Religion: Lesson 15-God Gave Us Friends
Our class Valentine’s Party is this Tuesday, February 14. Please bring cards for 8 students. Treats are optional. If you would like to donate supplies, please use the SignUp Genius that Mrs. Coklas sent last week. ALL students are welcome to attend on this day.
Mark Your Calendar…
*Tuesday, February 14-8:00 Mass, Class Valentine’s Party
*Friday, February 17-NO SCHOOL-Teacher In-service
*Monday, February 20-NO SCHOOL-President’s Day
Sing A Song…