Half Day Preschool-May 12, 2023


Looking Back..
*This week we celebrated our Moms!  We spent the week painting, planting, and creating special gifts for our favorite ladies.  Our read alouds were all about Moms…of course!  It was a very heartwarming week in Preschool as we focused on those we love so much!  Moms, know that you are very LOVED!  Also, we celebrated Jesus’ Mom, Mary, at a beautiful May Crowning ceremony.
*Outdoor learning was a big part of our week.  We practiced writing our letters and our numbers with sidewalk chalk.  It was so awesome to see the kids helping each other with their writing.  For the remainder of the year, we will be practicing these skills in many different ways.  On one of our daily walks we met a great friend of St. Cletus, Mrs. Delaney, who happened to be doing some gardening.  She talked with us about plants and how they grow. It was so cool to meet such a gardening expert!   She gave us two plants to take care of that will be kept in our classroom.
*This week we thanked God for trees!  We have been thanking him all year long for so many wonderful things.  Exploring trees outdoors was so cool.  During morning meeting, we created fruit trees and discussed the many types of trees God made.
*Congratulations to our PBIS Winner of the Week, Teddy, for being a great helper in the classroom.  As we go through the halls each day, we check out the PBIS matrix and discuss how to be respectful, responsible and compassionate!

Looking Ahead…
Theme:  Dinosaurs
Literacy:  Zz continued, rhyming words, letter formation and beginning sound Bingo
Math:  Number recognition review, counting to 50, dinosaur ten frame counting and numeral formation 0-10
Religion:  Lesson 24-God Gave Us Sand

Mark Your Calendar…
Monday, May 15-ABC Countdown Letter “Pp”-wear your pajamas
Tuesday, May 16-8:00 Mass
Portillo’s (5532 Harlem Ave., Summit) D4D Fundraiser from 5-8PM
Friday, May 29-NO SCHOOL-Memorial Day

