JK Newsletter 10/21

The fall colors are in full bloom! We hope you are starting to see some independence in your children since the start of the school year! Have you noticed your child helping around the house more? Maybe emptying their lunch box/backpack to show you their school work? We have a class rule that they should try 3x before asking for help. WOW, are they proud when they get it themselves! Now the coat season is here… zipping coats is our new game. Please practice with you children and give them some fun and easy jobs to help build their confidence!

Talking points with your children:

  • What saint did you learn about today?
  • How many stars are on our flag? What state do we live in?
  • How are you a “Helper Kind and Good” in our classroom or at home?

Religion: Being a helper and showing love to others has been our focus this week.  Next week, we will begin our unit on Feelings.  God is always with us whether we are happy, sad, afraid(Halloween) angry, and etc.  

Literacy: Our Jolly Phonics this week will be /0/ and /u/. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear the letters in the words, which we practice daily.

Math: We will continue to work on counting, patterns and number order with Halloween theme.

Science: We will be reading many books about trees and leaves.  We will be looking at different shapes and colors, how they are different and how they are the same.

A Few dates for your calendars:  

  • Next week is Red Ribbon Week. This is school wide, and the JK will be focusing on ways to keep our bodies healthy. 
  • Halloween email containing our classroom party will be sent on Monday!

We hope you get out and enjoy this beautiful weekend

The JK Team
