It was so nice to talk with you all at Parent Teacher Conferences. So hard to believe Thanksgiving is behind us and we are preparing for Jesus’ birthday!
We have been busy practicing for our Christmas play which is December 20th at 9:30. Please have your child wear their Christmas outfits that day for our performance.
Advent is our main focus throughout the month of December. Your children should have brought home a family advent wreath to color. If you need another copy please let us know! The children have been sharing their good deeds and then adding a piece of straw to make it soft for His birthday. We make a big deal about this, and ask the kids to share what they did at home. Some examples are: making the bed, helping clear the table, putting dishes in the sink, putting the silverware out,.. are just a few examples. Please encourage them to be helpful and add to the ideas at home:) We are hopeful you are seeing your child become more helpful in this process too!
Literacy: We have completed our Jolly Phonics letter introduction portion of the program. We will be reviewing the letter sounds and continuing to work on rhyming words.
Math: We will be continuing to practice sorting, patterns and graphing through fun hands-on games at calendar and in center time!
Science/Social Studies: We are anxiously waiting for snow, and will continue to do fun science experiments.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The JK Team