Another great week under our JK belts!
It’s hard to believe we are wrapping up February and heading into March!
Questions to ask your children to hear more about their day?
- Who reported the weather today?
- Who was the prayer leader? What family did we pray for?
- Can you sing me your new lent song?
Religion: Lent began on Wednesday and we are getting our hearts ready for Easter. We have a prayer jar with all your family names on it. We pick a new name each day and pray for you and whomever else your child wishes. We all say the Our Father after. I wish you could see how reverent your children are during these times when we are talking about Jesus and Family in our class, it is beyond heart warming how much love they have in their hearts and in their minds. In addition to doing good things at school, we hope that in the next few weeks, your butterfly coloring sheet will be looking very colorful with all the kind things your children are doing for lent.
Literacy: We will continue to practice out printing and proper letter formation, we will also be rhyming with Dr. Seuss this week in honor of his birthday! We will be talking about CVC words. CAT, HAT, BAT just to name a few.
Math: Number work using base 10 blocks was new this week, We are still doing 10 frames and lots of counting and tally marks too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
The JK Team