JK Newsletter January 28

Hope everyone had a great week! We have had an Arctic BLAST  in our class this week, and will continue it next week as well:)

It’s Catholic Schools Week! We kick it off with Mass at 10:30 and then an all school open house!  We hope you stop in to say “hello” and see all the hard work your kids have been creating! It goes from 11:30 -2 !  We have so much to be proud of at St. Cletus School!  Our school would not be what is is without our wonderful families! Thank you!

Parents, teachers and church are all about what makes our school so great and our children thrive!

Religion: We will be celebrating our school through church and song this week

Literacy: We are continuing to work on beginning, middle and ending sounds.

Math: Number work is daily with graphs patterns and poem!

Social Studies/ Science: We will continue our unit on snow and ice and Arctic facts and fun

Show and Tell:  Michael will be next to bring a show and tell item on Monday.

Also…We are starting our Meteorologist Daily Reporter.  Each day, a different child will report the weather to the class using this special form.  If it’s in your child’s backpack, it’s your child’s turn! Fill out the form and PRACTICE PRACTICE, PRACTICE with your child so he or she feels comfortable presenting the weather report to our class!

Have a wonderful weekend!

The JK Team
