Spring is in the air, and we can Feel it!
Sunshine feels amazing, but rain is what helps things grow! God sends us both to remind us of his love!
Religion: We will continue to pray for our families during Lent. We will be going through the stations of the cross. We have mass on Tuesday morning at 8 am, we hope to see you there!
Literacy: We are working on the POPcorn words as well as rhyming families. POPcorn words so far are… I, The, Is.. please help your child identify them as they read.
Math: We are looking at bigger numbers, groups of ten with ones hanging out on the side. Recognizing these numbers and and breaking down the groups of tens and ones are what we are working on.
Science/ Social studies: We have been talking about our 5 senses! Spring gives us the perfect chance to use all our senses and see the world bloom!
The spring auction is right around the corner! A fun event for all!
For more information on the Spring Auction click here: https://cardinalauction.org/
Have a wonderful weekend!
The JK Team