We had a great week settling in to a new year! We are gaining confidence in our our classroom routine, and making new friends. All the best parts of a new school year! We also enjoyed meeting with our 4th grade buddies and attending 9:30 mass on Wednesday morning.
A few questions to ask your children:
- Who do you sit with at your table?
- What is your favorite center?
- Who was the prayer leader?
- Ask them to sing you the song,”Show God’s love to everyone…”
Religion: This week we talked about how God loves us and also how special our names are. The children have been learning many classroom prayers. They will be bringing home a prayer sheet with the prayers we say each morning, at snack, and the end of the day. *We will start attending Tuesday morning mass at 8am on Sept 12th and will continue for the school year.
Literacy: We read many fun back to school books this week. Next week we will be reading “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”and doing many class activities to reinforce letter recognition. This week we will also start our Jolly Phonics program and letter sounds for “s” and “a”. Phonemic awareness is something we also do daily and your kids loving it!
Math: We will continue to practice number recognition and formation through poems and calendar time.
Social Studies/Science: We have been very busy learning our social skills. Please ask your child if they had a chance to put a warm and fuzzy in our classroom bucket? Catching them being kind or helpful gives them a chance to fill our classroom bucket of positivity.
A Few reminders:
- Please bring in a 4×6 family picture for our”JK Family” bulletin Board.
- Wednesdays the students bring home IMPORTANT papers from the school office. Please check and empty your children folder each day. That’s where you will find the work
- No school on Monday September 4th.
- 2pm dismissal and NO aftercare on Sept 8th
Have a wonderful weekend!
The JK Team