We are off to a great start settling into our routine, and making lots of new friends which comes with the fun of a new school year!
Please note: Our class will be going to church every Tuesday morning at 8am with their 5th grade buddies.
Religion: This week we talked about the many gifts that God has given us that make us special! They will be bring home a prayer sheet with our prayers that we say each morning, before snack and lunch, and also at the end of the day.
Literacy: We had a fun week reading “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” and doing many class activities to reinforce letter recognition. This week we focused on Jolly Phonics letter sounds “s” and “a”. Please ask your child to show you the special signs for these sounds and letters. Next week we will be learning “p” and “I”.
Math: We practice counting, number formation through poems, in centers and calendar time.
Social Studies/Science: We have been very busy building our social skills. Please ask your child if they had a chance to put a warm and fuzzy in our classroom bucket? Catching them being kind or helpful gives them a chance to fill our bucket of classroom Positivity!
A few reminders:
- We have NO SCHOOL on Monday September 5th.
- We have church with buddies at 8 am on Tuesday!
- Please bring a family picture for our “JK family” classroom board. 4×6 is perfect:)
Enjoy the long weekend!
The JK Team