JK Newsletter September 30th

Another fun week in JK! It was busy.  We had a ton of fun with Apples, between  making apple sauce, playing will it sink or float, using a apple peel to spiral and core the apples, it was FUN FILLED to say the least. the children also assisted Mary Delaney in making our fall pots outside our classroom doors. The pots turned out beautiful and we hope you enjoyed them. We also shared our apple sauce with our 5th grade buddies!

Outside of all the hands on fun, the children have been very busy learning new things in the classroom.

Literacy: We only focus on the 26 letters of the alphabet, the blend sounds come in Kindergarten. Next week we will be reviewing the letters we have learned this far.  We have done s,a,t,i,p,n,c/k, and h.

Name writing: We will continue to practice writing our names correctly with one capital letter and proper letter formation.

Michael Haggerty Phonemic Awareness: They are hearing rhyming words and breaking apart compound words. This program we do daily and the kids LOVE it!

Religion: This week we learned about he feast days St. Vincent De Paul, St. Michael, and the Guardian angels.

Math: We are always working on our numbers during calendar time. Ask your kids to show you the tally marks for a “7”, and also ask them what a bundle is:)

Science: All things fall! Using our senses to take it all in. We will be doing more walks and hands on science experiments.

Social Emotional: This is a big part of our program. We are really working hard on manners, and helping these kids be self sufficient. Please work on doing the same at home.  Every morning they have to put their lunch box and water bottle in a special spot.  We also have a try 3x’s rule when opening snacks.  They are SO very proud when they do it themselves.

We are truly having a blast with your children each and everyday. As always, please let us know if you have any questions:)

Have a wonderful weekend!

The JK Team

