Kindergarten Newsletter, January 12

Upcoming Events/mark your calendars:

  • Monday, January 15: No School, MLK Day
  • Tuesday, January 16: 8am Mass
  • Friday, January 19: 21+ trivia night-refer to Wednesday envelope flyer

What’s Due:

This Week:

Welcome back!  The new year means lots of new things in kindergarten.  The children arrived to new table spots with new pencils and crayons.  Ahhh, nothing like a new 24 pack of crayons and sharp pencils with full erasers. 🙂 The week was cut short by the snow day. I look forward to hearing how they kids kept busy during the unexpected 4 day weekend! There will be lots to write about in their journals!

Next Week

Language Arts:

  • Last name writing practice: we are working on knowing the letters in our last names, using only one capital letter and starting at the correct lines. Another change for the new year is that students now sign in using their LAST names on the smartboard.  Lots of changes!
  • Journaling: Now that we have a new 24 pack of crayons, we are focusing on DETAILED drawings in our journals. In addition to this, we will now be writing the “code” or the date each day in our journals as follows: 1-11-2024. We will continue to work on independently stretching out words (“write the sounds you hear!) and correctly spelling word wall words.
  • All the kids have shared their stories for our “shared writing” time.  We will now transition to “interactive writing.”  We will go through the class again with each student generating his/her own sentence.  Now rather than “sharing the pen” with the teacher and writing on chart paper, they will write with me, on their own individual whiteboards.  After writing the classmate’s sentence, we will do some word work on our whiteboards.
  • SuperKids: we finished “H” for Hot Rod and are now on to “U”; vowel sounds are always tricky so we will work very hard to distinguish between the different vowel sounds.
  • Continue to watch for book buddy bags to come home.  Keep in a safe spot and practice the fluency pages, books and/or work work practice pages and return by the date indicated.
  • Word wall words: we are currently working on number words one through ten.  Their table teams changed from COLOR WORDS to NUMBER WORDS.  Ask your child what table team he/she is at!
  • We learned a new poem last week: “A Chubby Little Snowman”; we illustrated the new poem in our poetry journals!  See if your child can recite it for you at home.  Hint: “A chubby little snowman, had a carrot nose.  Along came a rabbit and what do you suppose?”

Math: We will continue Chapter 5 in GO MATH which is all about ADDITION!

  • We will review number formation practice for 1-9; backwards numbers will still happen, very developmentally appropriate.  We will continue to practice!
  • Counting by 1s to 100.  Practice at home!
  • Counting by 2s to 20. This is new!  Start to practice at home!
  • Counting by 5s to 100. Practice at home!
  • Counting by 10s to 100. Practice at home!
  • Addition using dice, dominoes, whiteboards, manipulatives, magnetic numbers and more!  Our goal is to FLUENTLY (automatically) add within 5 and be able to use drawings, fingers, etc. to add within 10.


We have started our new kindness project. “God’s love keeps us warm.”  We feel God’s love through our friends.  Each time a child is caught sharing God’s love with a friend, he/she will put a heart on his/her mitten.
