Junior High Science (Grades 6th/7th/8th) Religion (7th Grade)

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

This week, we worked to get back into our routines.

Science…this week we practiced using the CER (Claims, Evidence, Reasoning) structure in inquiring and thinking through the scientific process.  For initial instruction, we worked to form a claim based on a question, conducted research, and gathered additional data, to provide evidence for our claim. Next week, after reviewing our data, we will explain why our evidence matters and supports our claim.   Students were also afforded opportunities to work on their science fair projects and receive additional support as needed.

Religion…this week we focused on understanding the epiphany through readings and viewing Cardinal Cupich’s epiphany homily.  We also learned about the 12 days of Christmas in the Catholic Church. Students were assigned a specific day to research and present to the class.  Students continued learning about the Liturgical calendar as we begin Ordinary Time.  As we prepare for Ordinary Time, we learn about  Jesus’ baptism, recruiting his disciples and beginning his ministry, and performing his first miracle.


God bless,

Mrs. Davis


