1/24 Update

Hello Cardinal Families!

Catholic Schools Week is approaching! We’ve been preparing all week to showcase how great St. Cletus is! In 7th grade, we finished our History Fair posters, which I am incredibly impressed with! The students have done a great job working hard this week on making their posters informative and pretty. Next week, we will write the accompanying essays, and get those projects scored. The finalists will progress to the regional History Day in Chicago at UIC on March 8th, and possibly to State from there! Stay tuned.

In 7th and 8th ELA, we’ve been working on our career research papers, where we’ve been gathering information about the steps to take on the pathway to those careers, as well as the information about the careers themselves. In both classes, we will soon begin an upcoming poetry unit, learning elements and symbolism.

I hope to see you at the family mass and open house on Sunday!
