week of Jan 16th-van wyck

We had a PBIS reflection assembly yesterday afternoon in which we went over positive behaviors that we need to comply with in our classrooms, hallways and at church. It was very nice discussion amongst teachers, students, and administration! These behaviors promote a safe and responsible environment for our students.

This Friday our Preschool buddies will be providing service in our classroom wiping down desks in celebration of MLK day!  No school 1/16/23 in celebration.

I-Ready Winter Diagnostic:

The winter diagnostic is very important as we will be basing recommendations for the math coach based on these individualized scores and achievements. In addition, many high schools compare winter-winter 7th/8th grade scores when making acceptance decisions. Improvement is key and we hope to get as many students as possible at or beyond grade level. We will be taking the diagnostic on Wednesday 1/18 and Thursday 1/19 at 8:20am. Please do have students get rest, eat a good breakfast, and come in with a positive attitude. This is their chance to shine!

Field Trip to Nazareth – Spiritual Retreat:

On Tuesday 1/24/23 the seventh grade will be going to Nazareth for a day retreat. They will be other seventh graders from other schools who will also be attending. The field trip requires a $5 fee and bring in a personal item donation for Caring Place. Students have been advised to wear gym uniform. Nazareth has graciously offered to pick us up with their bus.

As winter drags on (ugh) we will be sharing access to the PC gym with the younger grades. Therefore, we only will be able to go to the PC for recess on Wednesdays and Fridays. If it is over 32 degrees we will go outside–please make sure students have hats, gloves, leggings etc that they can use here at school. If it is under 32 degrees, we may go for a quick 5-10 minute walk depending on severity of temp to get some fresh air. Again, it is important to stress that students come daily with warm winter clothes (coat, hat, gloves, girls leggings)

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email me. Thank you! Mrs Van Wyck.
