
Hi! Going home today is the Confirmation Info Sheet and the “list” of service experiences. Pease complete these and send in by Friday. It is ok if you do not have 10 experiences yet–this a good time to reflect on where we are and what are future plans are to complete the 10. The Confirmation...
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On Tuesday evening we had our Christmas Program at church – it was a blessed event! Thank you Mrs Prosen, students, teachers, and parents! Yesterday, we had a Christmas themed PBIS assembly. We also shopped at our Holiday Shop for family gifts. Today the NJHS students will be singing carols at The Center For Independence,...
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Classroom format:We began Chapter 5 with the “prerequisite section” page 280. Students were directed to answer the questions in notebook. I went over answers to questions. It was a review. It went through an extensive review of two very important concepts y = mx + b (where m is the slope and b is the...
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Please sign and return the form so your child can submit a poster to the Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas contest. Mr Porod would like every eighth grader to participate. The eighth grade began working on them today- they can also work on them at home if they prefer. Deadline is December 4th....
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I hope all had a Happy Halloween-the students had a very fun party in MH yesterday. Thank you to all parents who volunteered or brought in items. We could not do these wonderful things without you. The students also spent the morning with their buddies coloring haunted houses that the eighth graders drew out from...
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Hello parents–I handed out and instructed 8th graders to put in their bags the following: St Cletus Back to School Raffle Tickets–actual raffle ticket booklet Pray the Rosary sign up FSA Taffy Apple Fundraiser Veteran’s day Mass sign up Frozen auditions sign-up Thank you for following up with them so they understand the importance of...
Read More Hi Eighth Graders! Anybody looking for volunteer opportunities please consider signing up to help at Fall Fest! Helping clean up, info desk, etc are welcome!! I also sent home the information to order the eighth grade sweatshirt! How exciting! Once the sweatshirts arrive, the eighth grade is allowed to wear the sweatshirt to school....
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8th Grade Math Contest 8th Grade Math Contest Wednesday, October 2 4 p.m. Hello parents! I would love to represent St Cletus at the Naz math contest this year. If your child is able and interested, please reach out! Even if they do not plant to go to Nazareth it is still fun to compete...
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​Jennifer Van Wyck​I highly recommend taking a summer or fall prep course of some kind. If you are able or interested, please fill out the link below. morning,I hope you are having a great end to the school year. I am writing to invite your current 7th-grade students to take part in a summer test...
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From: on behalf of Jennifer Van Wyck using DirectorySpot Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 8:32 AMTo: Jennifer Van Wyck Subject: 7th grade: A few extra things on the Horizon @St Cletus to check out…1) Wear green on Friday (tomorrow) for $1 in rememberence of Sean Richards the young man that passed away from St...
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