wk 8/22 Curriculum Night

7th Grade Math, Science, Religion—Van Wyck


Go Math!, Access Hard cover text, Simple Solutions

Fusion Science Text (online)

Sadlier Old Testament and New Testament


Pencil/Pen, calculator for math (simple calculator or TI-84)

Folder and notebook for math, notebook for religion, notebook for science


Math class will begin with 5 minutes of time to get started on Simple Solutions.  Then class will direct to lesson.  We will generally do a section a day with corresponding independent practice for homework.  I also do supplement from other books.  There are many ways to solve a problem (including how we parents learned!)  Time is a factor.  Students need to take notes everyday and solve the in-class and homework problems in their notebooks.  Quizzes and tests will be given by section.  Points will be given for homework completion and i-ready completion.

Religion class will begin with a prayer (usually rosary).  Book will be utilized in the form of printouts or online.  Class will close with a journal entry.  There will be religion study guides and tests given.

Science will be following the Fusion Life Science curriculum/Physical Science text and in-class participation and demonstration.


Positive Behavior In Schools (PBIS), St Cletus handbook, classroom rules

Cardinal Coupons, emails home to parents, lunch time-outs or detentions, after school detentions, in/out school expulsion.


Math:   We will do a section or subsection everyday.  There will be homework every day reflecting the section we covered.  Generally, it is 15-20 problems a night.  There will also be a Simple Solutions to finish each night.  I will try not to give weekend homework unless it was a multi-day project.

Religion:  Study guides and some journal entries will be required to be done at home.

Science:  As needed homework will be given to move lessons to completion each week.

  • Accountability-Homework, Simple Solutions, assignments on-time, I-ready, prepared for class.
  • Perception-Lining up alphabetically, walking in a line, reverence and respect by church building, notetaking, enthusiasm for learning, respect for school and others.
  • Rigor-Get students excited to learn a new idea, increase their knowledge, move to a new skill.