Hello parents–
Today we had an honor guard for a double funeral mass at St Cletus. One of the deceased was a young lady who graduated from St Cletus the class of 2013, the other was her male friend. They were in a tragic car accident. We talked at length today about reverence and how important it is to remember the deceased and to be respectful for the family that is coping with a terrible loss.
Paulette Bolton, a retired staff member at St Cletus, also passed away this week. We will be doing another honor guard on Friday for her. I remember Paulette as a co-worker working with her a couple years ago before she retired on living rosary and stations of the cross with the eighth graders. But I also remember her from when I was a student here. She sang beautifully and she had the most beautiful red hair. I chose my wedding day in 2001 around her availability because I loved the way she sang Ave Maria. So beautifully! She will be missed.
Tomorrow we have mass of the Holy Spirit at 9:30am. All our welcome to celebrate.
Today we took the first quiz of the year in math. Overall they looked good. If possible, ask your student tonight how it went. Ask them to see their math notebook. We have completed over 60 problems already between in class and homework. The quiz questions were problems we did in class that were assigned for homework. I will be doing a surprise notebook check next week to see if the notebooks demonstrate a student who is completing their nightly work – is it organized, is it neat? A student that engages with the daily work and stays on task will be successful.
Upcoming events:
Monday is Labor Day – no school.
Friday 9/8- early dismissal
Monday 9/11-no school
Fall Fest Carnival 🙂
Thank you! as always any questions do not hesitate to email me at jvanwyck@stcletusparish.com