Pre-K 3 Newsletter December 6

Hi Pre-K Families!
Here is a glimpse into our week in Pre-K 3!
Looking back…
*I would like to thank all of the parents for meeting with me for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I really enjoyed talking with everyone. Thanks for all of your support and kind words. It was really a rewarding way to kick off the Thanksgiving Holiday.
*We learned about Advent and made Advent wreaths to display in our class. We made and ‘lit’ our first candle this week!
*Our 7th grade buddies helped us make cards for the elderly for this Advent season.
*Practicing our songs for the Christmas Program was a daily event. We can’t wait to share with you!
*We learned the letter K this week. We are almost half way through the alphabet!
*Mrs. Gorman taught us how to ice skate on scarves in P.E.!
*Saint Nicholas visited us during our buddy time! He brought us candy canes!
Looking Ahead
Our Theme: Polar Animals
Literacy: Letter L
Religion: Advent and Christmas
Sunday, December 8- Ho Ho Holiday Breakfast with SANTA! 7:45-1pm Parish Center.
Monday, December 9- Chipotle Dining for Dollars 4-8PM in Countryside
Friday, December 13- Wear PJs for our movie morning!
Wednesday, December 18- Preschool Christmas Program @ 9:30 in the Parish Center Gym. Children should wear dress clothes.

*Please remember to pack a snack and fill up your child’s water before coming to school.

**Check your child’s backpack to see that they have a weather appropriate change of clothes in case of an accident! We also ask that everyone has an extra change of shoes just in case!


Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About
Below are some suggestions to engage your child in a conversation about what they did at school!
*What craft did we do with our buddies? (Card for the elderly)
*Ask them what the color and theme of Advent was this week. (Purple,Hope)
*What are some things that beings with Kk? Whose name in our class begins with the letter Kk?
Have an amazing weekend,

Mrs. Arlowe


