Welcome back Families! I hope everyone had a restful break. It is CRAZY how much everyone has grown in just 2 weeks, they seem so much bigger to me! Not only bigger but more mature, and ready to LEARN! We got right back into the swing of things here in Pre-K 3! Here is a glimpse into our short week back:
Looking back…
*It was a week full of review! We reviewed our expectations and “Cardinal Values”
*We started a new way to do centers, each student has a “tile” with their picture on it. Each center has a poster with velcro “spots” on it that they can choose where to go- as long as there is a spot for their picture!
*We learned about 3 Kings Day and how it is a continued celebration of Jesus’ birth and Christmas!
Looking Ahead
Our Theme: Numbers & Nests
Literacy: Letter Nn
Religion: God Gives us Birds
NEXT WEEK- We will be doing a travel size personal hygiene collection drive next week (deodorant, toothpaste/toothbrush, shampoo, soap, mouthwash, etc.). This is in support of Nazareth Academy who will be making kits to give to those in need!
Monday, Jan 20– NO SCHOOL
Sunday, Jan 26– OPEN HOUSE 11:30-2:30
*Join us for our OPEN HOUSE on January 26! It is a time for your child to show off our classroom! See their artwork, where they sit, and their favorite centers! Feel free to bring any family/friends who may be interested in St. Cletus as well!
**Please make sure to send your child with gym shoes on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS (we have P.E. these days).
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
Below are some suggestions to engage your child in a conversation about what they did at school!
*What does your new nametag look like(a snowflake)?
*What is new about the way the class does centers? (They have a tile with their picture on it and put their tile on the velcro spot!)
Have an amazing weekend,
Mrs. Arlowe