Hi Pre-K Families!
Here is a look into our packed week of Pre-K!
Looking back…
*This week we learned all about Pets and introduced the letter D!
*We learned about Virtual Reality in TLC and got to try on a VR headset that took us on a ferris wheel!
*We read the book “Children Make Horrible Pets” and learned the difference between a wild animal and a pet.
*We learned to be grateful that God gave us legs to bend & stretch.
*In Art, we read the story “Harold & the Purple Crayon” and drew lines along with the story!
Looking Ahead
Our Theme: Authors
Literacy: Ee and name recognition
Religion: 1-6 I Can Walk, Hop, Jump, Run, Climb, and Dance
Thursday, Oct. 3- School Picture Day
Thursday, Oct. 11- Early Dismissal 2PM
Monday, Oct 14- No School
We WILL be going to Mass for the first time on Tuesday, October 1. Mass beings promptly at 8AM, on Tuesdays our doors open at 7:45 and I encourage everyone to be here when our doors open. We will be leaving our backpacks in the Morrisey Hall lobby and going straight to church. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD GOES TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE COMING TO SCHOOL. We want to try as hard as we can to attend the entire Mass with no potty breaks.
*Please continue to separate your child’s snack from their lunchbox– we are going to start putting out our OWN snack and want it to be as easy as possible for our preschoolers to do this independently!
**PICTURE DAY FORMS – Ordering for this is completely ONLINE, so you do not return the order forms to me. If you need assistance reach out to the office for help.
MWF Families– You are allowed to bring your student to take their picture between 8-10AM on Picture Day. When you get here, you will skip to the front of the line!
***Continue to talk to your child about our Cardinal values- Be Respectful, Be Responsible & Be Compassionate. The next two weeks we will be focusing on being RESPONSIBLE!

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
Below are some suggestions to engage your child in a conversation about what they did at school!
*What did you see on the VR Headset with Mr. Ochoa?
*Ask your child what we did with our Buddies on Monday.
*Ask if they can tell you what our Letter of the Week was!
Have an amazing weekend,
Mrs. Arlowe