PreK 4 News 12/15

What a week this has been!  We started the week off being “Grinched” and ended the week making a fun reindeer project and watching Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  We have been working VERY hard on our Christmas songs and we can’t wait to share them all with you on Wednesday.  We have been reading many different versions of the Christmas Story and the class has been enjoying acting it out using our flannel board set and little people nativity.

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, December 19: 8am Mass
  • Wednesday, December 20th: 9:30 Christmas Program in the PC.
  • Friday, December 22: 9:30 Mass followed by song presentation from our Kindergarten and 8th Grade classes.
  • Friday, December 22: EARLY dismissal, 2pm
    • Please make sure to send your child with a snack and a lunch 🙂

A few things about the performance…

Please have your child dressed in dressy Christmas clothes.  We will not be having gym this day since the performance will be occurring at the same time.  The doors to the PC will open at 9:15 with the performance beginning at 9:30.  At the conclusion, the class and I will head back over to the school where we will continue our day.  Dismissal will be at 11:00am for 1/2 day and at 3pm for full day.


