Our penguin week was a lot of fun! Many penguin books were read this week. A guest reader from the 3rd grade also joined us to read about a special Christmas penguin. We learned many facts about penguins and watched videos of real penguins. Be sure to ask your child all they learned about penguins. How are their feet used? Who takes care of the eggs? Can they fly? We will continue to learn about these very cool birds and other arctic animals next week. Our letter craftivity was a penguin this week and our Jolly Phonics song was all about a party and blowing out candles….making the letter sound of “Pp” of course:) We are counting penguins and other arctic animals in our Math Centers and continue to practice counting all the way to 30 each day. During our calendar time, a few students are chosen to lead us in counting! All the kids have come so far with their counting skills. During our Religion time, we thanked God for our sense of touch. Snack time was the perfect time to differentiate between sensations such as hard and soft, wet and dry and rough and smooth. Our lesson next week will focus on the sense of smell. Our week ended with our panda project in ECLIP and a Buddy visit! That’s always special.
*Next Friday, March 1, is an e-learning day. Teachers will be attending professional developments while students complete an e-learning day at home. Instructions for this day will be sent home on Monday, February 26th, in your child’s folder. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Mark Your Calendar…
Tuesday, February 27-8:00 Mass-Please arrive at 7:50.
Thursday, February 29-Leapin’ $1 Green Dress Down Day. Proceeds benefit our Student Council.
Friday, March 1-NO SCHOOL-Teachers -Professional Development/Students- E-Learning day at home
Friday, March 15-NO SCHOOL
SAVE THE DATE-Our Spring Auction will take place on April 27th in our Parish Center. Please visit the link below to start your family fundraising page.