Preschool 3 Newsletter October 4

Hi Pre-K Families!
Here is a look into our packed week of Pre-K!
Looking back…
*This week we learned all about Authors and introduced the letter E!
*We read Eric Carle’s “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” in English & Spanish!
*We watched a tree get cut down during snack time!
*We went to Mass for the first time and sat with our 7th Grade buddies.
*We learned to be appreciative that God gave us the ability to move in many different ways.
Looking Ahead
Our Theme: Pumpkins/Fall
Literacy: A-E review and name recognition
Religion: 1-7 Listen to Me talk
Friday, Oct. 11- 2PM Dismissal (No Aftercare)
Monday, Oct 14- No School
*Our first Mass went AMAZING! I was so proud of all of our Preschoolers, please praise your child for their behavior at Mass as we hope to keep this going! Thank you everyone for getting to school promptly on Tuesday!
**As the weather gets colder, please label your child’s jacket with their name or initials so nothing gets misplaced!
***Continue to talk to your child about our Cardinal values- Be Respectful, Be Responsible & Be Compassionate. The next two weeks we will be focusing on being RESPONSIBLE!
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About
Below are some suggestions to engage your child in a conversation about what they did at school!
*What does an Author do?
*Ask your child how Mass was.
*Ask if they can sing your our “Canción de Buenos Días!” (Good Morning Song)- On Youtube it is “Buenos Días by Jose-Luis Orozco
Have an amazing weekend,

Mrs. Arlowe

